Wir genießen unseren ersten Sommer zu Viert in vollen Zügen. Kuchen gehört - jetzt wo ich wieder auf Körper - Wohlfühlkurs bin, auch gern mal dazu. Aber bitte ohne großes Tam Tam, ganz simpel und vor allem: schnell gemacht, damit man fix etwas zu naschen hat; wie zum Beispiel diese sündhaft leckeren und dennoch so einfachen Plunder. Also entschuldige ich mich hiermit für mein neuerdings wieder selteneres Hier-Auftauchen mit diesem Rezept :)
We´re soooo enjoying our 1st summer as a family of four! And nowadays, since I reached my personal body - comfy zone again, occasionally even cake will be baked and served again. But - please, nothing too fancy, yes? Simple and fast prepared is way better, (so I can eat it sooner) like this incredible sweet and creamy, but yet so simple danishes. So I apologize my lately again rare visits here with this recipe :)
We´re soooo enjoying our 1st summer as a family of four! And nowadays, since I reached my personal body - comfy zone again, occasionally even cake will be baked and served again. But - please, nothing too fancy, yes? Simple and fast prepared is way better, (so I can eat it sooner) like this incredible sweet and creamy, but yet so simple danishes. So I apologize my lately again rare visits here with this recipe :)