Google+ Panpan Tribe: A night to remember - a call for old pals


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A night to remember - a call for old pals

I´m listening to Depeche Modes fantastic live album 101 at the moment and memories are haunting me. The first boyfriend who was a big devotee, I had have, Daniel in Gardelegen... and all the records I lent from him together with his record player, just to listen to the "A broken Frame" all night long. And later, after he had broke up with me "Waiting for the night" and the whole "Violator"
I was such a fan, my whole small 16 years old life then could have been described with Depeche Mode songs!

Now I´m filled with memories of friends, whom I´m afraid, I have lost long time ago, when I moved away from my home town. This was 13 years ago...

And again, there is this feeling of loss and a strange kind of emptiness.
So, my former pals Annett Meissner, Heiko Bauke,my flat mate Maik Zellmer, Christine Schroeter and her sister Katrin Schroeter, Mandy, my sweet class mates Andrea Stock and Antje Enseleit, all you guys from Gardelegen, where once was my home, the town I still miss, the Gods may know why. And all you others, who can remember me: show up, I somehow miss you!
I don´t have anyone left there, all I ever had, all my family now can be found at the local graveyards, and I cannot stay there just 2 minutes without collapsing, but still I believe that the 11 years I lived in this cute little town where so intense and imprinting, that I´sometimes still fell and think like the little, helpless girl I was back then...

Remember how we sang those songs? That we used to drink way too much Berenzen´s sour apple on our way to the "Volkshaus" each friday night? That I was miserable and used to feel like the 5th wheel most of the time? That I so envied Christine for looking so adorable and for making new friends so easily?

Now that I´m grown up I still feel the same sometimes, but occasionally I really feel the need to let you know: I´m ok, I´m fine and my life turned out to be better than I ever had expected it would be. If someone of you reads this, I´d be glad, if you´d say hello to me :)...

So, if anyone can remember - just show yourself. please!

A very nostalgic and beeing 17 and completely helpless again at the moment


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